Julia's Posh Pad

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 28, 2010 | 1:01 PM

Yesterday "we loaded up the car and we moved to the nursery"......sung to the tune of Beverly Hillbillies, remember that song??!
We did the 1st installation of the baby nursery I've told you about. I'm calling it "Julia's posh pad" because my client is going to name her baby Julia & her sweet nursery is starting to look like a very posh pad. We have chandeliers to hang tomorrow and more art to put on the walls, but we had so much fun yesterday and I was anxious to share this sweet space with you.

The antique dresser was repainted by my client's Dad, then embellished with rose porcelain knobs from Anthropologie. Sweet damask shade and lamp came from Home Goods.

The precious antique heirloom child's rocker will get a coordinating toile cushion. The "Dad-To-Be" purchased the chenille braid rug that came from Pottery Barn. The rug color is a tad more deep pink than our scheme, but it works with the lampshade and everything else that ended up completing the room. Another example that all shades of one color don't have to be "matchy-matchy" in every room.....they all just flow together once you add accessories, etc.. You can't beat the comfort of PB's soft chenille rugs too.....great for those future playtimes with their Julia!
Here's a pic of the proud Dad-To-Be.....welcome to the fantastic world of the Diaper Genie!

Julia's posh pad will be complete with a nursery side and the big girl room on the other side of the silk curtain panels...making it one large open space. We started with new distressed wood floors in a dark finish and grey painted walls with off white trim.
The bedding and the rocker were the first fabrics chosen to dictate the space.

Beautiful grey, pink, creme, & brown silks were chosen. My client wanted the rest of the space to remain "elegant vintage" and so that was our direction.
My client found this cute old wood window with pictures from an antique baby book. We're not really crazy about the "I CAN" in the top right pane. We're going to take this piece out and put in a piece of her pink silk with a monogrammed "J" on the fabric. In this photo it doesn't look too bad, but we just like the idea of personalizing it a tad.
Notice here how we used my client's wedding dress hung from a rose bracket (we're going to age that bracket with some paint this week). The dress is absolutely gorgeous with a beautiful mocha ribbon with a stunning antique brooch & beautiful covered buttons all down the back. Looks wonderful with our baby room decor and just had to pull it out of the closet! I learned from a wedding studio years ago, that preserving wedding dresses in those sealed up cleaner boxes is not good for the fabrics. Best way to preserve them is to keep them hanging open like this or just in a garment bag(not plastic)....the gases that are emitted from the plastic preservation boxes can be more damaging:
We custom made a Euro pillow for this twin bed using vintage looking fabrics mixed with the silks & lace, then backing it with the softest organic creme flannel. The box part of the cushion has heart shell buttons. The down creme pillow with grey velvet roses is from RED DOOR HOME (featured on that last blog post too).

Doesn't the lil Mama look radiant? She's due any day now, seriously!
The mini blinds are going "bye-bye" this week too. Replacing with another 2nd shade treatment. I think when I go back I'm going to insist we billow the bedskirt a tad more....I personally like to fluff them out and make them elegant looking. My client preferred it the pictured length so we pinned the decking of the skirt with T dressmaker pins. However, now seeing my photo, I'll have to convince her to let the length out more, to "billow" the skirt, don't you think?:Surprise! My client is my sometimes "administrative assistant" Emily!
Hope you enjoyed our sneak peek into the pad, and we'll post more photos when the nursery is complete this week.....we're running out of time, because Julia's on her way soon!!!!!!!

Enjoy your day &
All the best,


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